How likely are you to throw away business cards that you just received? You don't hand out business cards for your potential clients or business partners to just throw them away, but this is disturbingly common. Studies suggest that 95% of business cards received are thrown away within minutes of the meeting concluding. This may be due to boring, uninspiring business cards which do not capture their attention. As a result, your important contact details are being ignored and consequently your potential future client may be lost.
Stand out from the crowd with durable, light-weight PVC business cards made by AUSPVC.
Make sure that your business card is the one that stays with your potential clients and business partners. Give them a great reason for keeping it with a business card that can impresses them as much as you have. A durable, light-weight PVC business card can well serve this purpose.
Talk about an ice breaker, facilitating a conversation, or creating a common ground. Start your business relationships with a AUSPVC business card that is sure to impress!
PVC business cards can be customised with the following options:
Interested in our business card range? Complete the form below for a comprehensive and detailed quote.
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ACN 134 625 022
ABN 18 134 625 022
Suite 1, Level 1, 22-28 Edgeworth David Avenue,
Hornsby NSW 2077
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